Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class


Find Comfort in Pregnancy and Easier Birth!

Head down is only the beginning! Which way your head-down baby is facing has a huge impact on how long and hard (or short and easy!) your labor is.

During labor, your baby rotates and descends through three levels of the pelvis. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor and allows birth to be more comfortable. Come learn techniques to help support an easier birth!

This class is for expectant parents only. Learn more about this approach, including workshops for professionals, on the Spinning Babies Website.

Upcoming Classes:

I am currently offering Spinning Babies® classes as private sessions only, as my schedule allows. For a private class, please fill out the registration form below, and I will contact you to schedule a class.

Questions? Shoot me an email!
